Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Past events

How did the 3 Trade Commissioners for FIT assist Flemish companies with their business in China amid the turbulent economic climate and COVID-19 related restrictions? Which evolutions did they experience from a business perspective?
What are the conclusions of the EU-China Summit on 1 April? How about the implications for the international business environment?
Is China’s growth target of around 5.5 percent for 2022 achievable? What can policymakers do to mitigate the impact of these headwinds on the economy? How does the World Bank see China’s near and longer-term growth outlook and what are the risks to the outlook?
What are the main issues surrounding quality control and compliance mechanisms in doing business in and with China? How can you ensure the efficient shipment of goods? How do you establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and manufacturers? 
Aside from the devastating human toll, the ongoing war in Ukraine has thoroughly shaken up the world economy. What has been or will be the impact on the European and Chinese business environment, and China’s geopolitical position in the world? 
Learning Chinese has many benefits, from gaining cultural insight to better business opportunities. Start or continue your learning journey with a native and experienced Chinese teacher and learn Chinese in an interactive way!
Join our high end event for some unique networking opportunities and to discover the business opportunities in the sports sector!
Looking for Chinese suppliers? Here’s your chance to participate to our online B2B event for the Shandong region!
What do China’s new Personal Information Protection Law and Belgium’s special tax regime for expatriates mean for your business?
Interested in life as a foreigner in China? Be sure not to miss our panel discussion on March 24 for first-hand stories about settling in ever-changing China!
After a cooling down of political relations between the EU and China, will the two powers be able to develop towards mutual openness? Has the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) gotten lost in translation, or will both parties finally reach a transparent framework in which the agreement can be ratified?
How are logistics companies dealing with the logistical constraints caused by the rising transportation prices, and how can you mitigate them yourself? Join us on 10 March to find out more!