BCECC online news platform and printed publications

BCECC Wechat account:

The app WeChat, owned by Chinese company Tencent, is China’s most popular social media app. The app covers more than just communication, including the exchange of contact information by way of a QR code, making a doctor’s appointment, or controlling a bank account. It is estimated that WeChat is used by 90% of the Chinese population and is one of the primary ways for Chinese and foreign businesses to build a customer base. From the banking to the auto industry, it is necessary to leverage Chinese consumer trends in technology and innovation to better understand how to do business in China and potentially for the rest of the world.

If you would like to test your products or services on Chinese market but you do not know how, why not advertise your company to our ever-growing number of followers on our bilingual BCECC Wechat account free of charge for members or at low cost for non-members?

To follow our Wechat account, please scan the QR code here below:

BCECC Digital Newsletter:

Our Digital Newsletter is the ideal way to promote your China business to a broad audience via e-mail. Aside from informing everyone of the activities of our Chamber, it also contains information and tips on business opportunities in Belgium and China. Our newsletter enables Belgian and Chinese entrepreneurs to forge business ties which can lead to reciprocal investments. It is sent out to about 7,000 recipients of both Belgian and Chinese business people, high level officials and other interesting stakeholders for your company. To subscribe yourself to our digital newsletter, please click here.

Please find a non-exhaustive overview of our governmental recipients here:

BCECC Guidebook:

BCECC’s Guidebook “Belgium, your gateway to Europe” is the perfect tool to enable Chinese entrepreneurs to understand Belgian economic opportunities, and to help them access our market. It provides an overview of the Belgian economy and its various key sectors, and some valuable tips for tourists who want to visit beautiful spots in Belgium. If you would like to receive some copies of the book, please contact us at info@bcecc.be.

BCECC Printed Newsletter:

Publish your China business in our BCECC Printed Newsletter, a bilingual EN-ZH printed newsletter which has been distributed to our extensive network since 2005, both in Belgium and China. It is sent to our 500 members and around 500 high-level government officials in Belgium and China. For an overview of all of our past paper newsletters, please have a look here below.

Interested in reaching a broader audience with your business and gaining some visibility? Why not advertise your company to the largest bilateral network in the Belgian-Chinese business community?

For more information, please contact us at info@bcecc.be.