Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Past events

What does the EU framework for the screening of FDI mean for Belgian and European companies? What are the implications for Chinese investments?
Interested in learning Chinese? Sign up for our online Chinese classes for business people, starting in January 2021.
We have invited Prof. Dr. Paul de Grauwe to discuss the effects of COVID-19 on the Chinese and European economies. Join us on 14 January to learn about the prospects of economic recovery, and ask your questions directly to Mr. De Grauwe.
Follow our 8 December webinar to find out how Alibaba organizes its annual Global Online Shopping Festival, and how to use technology to host large-scale shopping events on e-commerce platforms.
Our webinar on the European and Chinese tourism industry discussed the effects of COVID-19 on the sector, and how the future of travelling might look.
Join our webinar ‘Expanding your business and repatriating your profits from China’ to learn more about funding solutions and how digital corporate governance can drive your business expansion in China.
How has COVID-19 affected customs regulations for import and export to China? Learn more from our Belgian and Chinese customs experts, or ask your questions directly in a private conversation in our webinar ‘Online China Customs Event’.
The BCECC organized an informative webinar together with the China IPR SME Helpdesk to discuss how European companies can protect their trade secrets, and the implications of the new Cyber Security Law in China.
Join our B2B event and find your business match for a large range of agricultural products from Inner Mongolia.
How is COVID-19 shifting consumer behavior? This question is at the core of a global study. The BCECC organized an informative webinar on the changing consumer market and digital revolution in China. Discover which opportunities this creates for your business.
Interested in a virtual visit to the biggest fair in China? Join our online webinar for all information on the 128th online Canton Fair.
How to enlarge your horizon and activities in China as a cleantech company? Learn more from an expert panel and take part in an interactive Q&A with online networking.