Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Great power politics in the 21st century: Current and future roles of China, the EU, the US & Russia


Which steps can great powers take towards a more stable and peaceful world order? What could and should China’s role in this new world order look like?

In a world that has returned to great power rivalry, understanding the grand strategy of these powers is crucial. The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) is therefore happy to present our webinar “Great power politics in the 21st century: Current and future roles of China, the EU, the US & Russia”, during which Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop will analyze the interaction of the global powers and how their strategic decisions will shape the future. Join us on 13 January 2022 at 11:00 CET (18:00 CST).

Opening remarks by Mr. Erik Famaey, Board member of the BCECC
11:10-11:40: Presentation by Mr. Sven Biscop, Director Europe in the World Programme of the Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations
11:40-11:55: Q&A session
11:55-12:05: Closing remarks by Mr. Erik Famaey, Board member of the BCECC


Prof. Dr. Sven Biscop read political sciences and obtained his PhD at Ghent University, where today he is a professor, lecturing on the grand strategy of the European Union and the other great powers, and on Belgian foreign and defence policy. In addition, he is the Director of the Europe in the World Programme at the Egmont – Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels, the think-tank associated with the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sven is an Associate Member of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences of Belgium, and an Honorary Fellow of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC), an EU agency where he lectures for diplomats, military and officials from all EU Member States. He is also a regular speaker at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels and at the People’s University of China in Beijing, where he is a Senior Research Fellow. His latest book is Grand Strategy in 10 Words – A Guide to Great Power Politics in the 21st Century  (Bristol University Press, 2021). Sven has been honored with the cross of Officer of the Order of the Crown of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Decoration of Honour of the Republic of Austria.  

Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants upon registration)

BCECC Members: Free of charge
Non-members: €30/person (VAT Excl.)