In today’s complex globalized market, the Chinese Yuan is gaining importance as a global trade currency. While this offers opportunities for European players, it can also present some challenges.
To help European companies tackle these challenges, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Voka – Kamer van Koophandel Mechelen-Kempen therefore organized their webinar “Financial solutions for European companies in doing business with China” on 10 June 2021 at 10:00 CET (16:00 CST).
Our webinar featured 3 financial experts who discussed some financial solutions for your business. As cross-border e-commerce companies might be struggling with payment options for their online store in China, Horsten International highlighted how to integrate payments in RMB into your business. They explained which online payment options are being used in China, how to integrate those into your foreign webshop and how to attract Chinese consumers. iBanFirst discussed the specific challenges companies face linked to the use of foreign currency when importing from or exporting to China. This included some more information on which currencies are being used in China, the history of its currency policies and some solutions on how to hedge your currency risks. Capricorn Partners showed how you can receive financial support from private equity as a financial solution, currency exchange solutions and how to capture multi-sector opportunities.