Expanding your business & repatriating your profits from China


The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) is pleased to invite you to a webinar on “Expanding your business & repatriating your profits from China” on November 24, 2020 at 10.30 CET (17.30 CST).

Since China’s opening up, there have been a lot of investment opportunities for foreign companies interested in establishing their business in China. At the same time, currency and cash flows in and out of the country are closely regulated by the Chinese government.

Therefore, as a foreign company with an established business in China, you might have run into some cash flow issues once your business has become profitable. Especially since it is important for your business to improve its liquidity, you might consider finding new ways to repatriate some of your company’s profits or funds abroad.

To assist Western companies with this, speakers from BNP Paribas and Tricor Services Limited will discuss some funding solutions and some key elements of business expansion in China. 


10:30–10:40: Welcoming words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the BCECC 
10:40–11:10: “Funding solutions in China and ways to repatriate cash out of China” by Ms. Jessica Wu, Managing Director and Head of Multinational Corporates China, BNP Paribas
11:10– 11:40: ‘Key elements of business expansion: from startup to IPO and Beyond’ by Mr. Joe Wan, CEO and Ms. Wendy Ho, Executive Director of Corporate Services of Tricor Services Limited
11:40 –12:00: Q&A session and closing remarks


Free of charge
€30 (VAT Excl.)


The webinar will be held on Webex (link will be sent out to the participants upon registration).

Please fill in the form below to confirm your presence before November 20, 2020.