Where to start and how to be successful on the Chinese market?


After the United States and the United Kingdom, China is Europe’s third-largest trading partner outside the EU. Last year, no less than 223 billion euros worth of goods were exported. In other words, the growth opportunities for your exports in China are huge. These are strong arguments for putting China center stage during Voka’s International Business Week.

The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) is therefore happy to support Voka Antwerpen-Waasland and Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)’s seminar “Where to start and how to be successful on the Chinese market?” on November 25, 2022. Exchange ideas with various speakers and entrepreneurs and learn how to establish and develop business contacts in China!


13:30-14:00: Reception
14:00-14:05: Welcoming words by Mr. Luc Van Looveren, Voka – Chamber of Commerce Antwerp-Waasland
14:05-14:20: “Recent evolutions and trends in the Chinese economy” by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
14:20-14:35: “China in Flemish exports”, by Ms. Eva Verstraelen,  Economic Representative in Guangzhou of Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT)
14:35-15:00: “A look at payment risks in China”, by Mr. Wim Bosman, Business Development Specialist of Credendo
15:00-15:15: Break
15:15-15:35: Company testimonial: “Doing Business in China”, by Mr. Raf Nonneman, COO of European Spice Services
15:35-15:55: Company testimonial: “Contracting in China”, by Ms. Mo Chen, Legal Counsel of China A-Law Lawyers
15:55-16:15: Q&A
16:15: Networking reception


Voka Antwerpen-Waasland
Markgravestraat 12
B-2000 Antwerpen


Free of charge, but mandatory.

Interested in joining us? Click here to register yourself before November 17, 2022!