Summary of our webinar “China’s 14th Five Year Plan and beyond: Opportunities for Belgian and Chinese companies”


2021 will mark the 50-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belgium and China. In order to further promote the economic and trade cooperation between China and Belgium, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) and the Association of Chinese Enterprise in Belgium and Luxembourg (AECBL) organized their webinar “China’s 14th Five Year Plan and beyond: Opportunities for Belgian and Chinese companies” on 23 June 2021.

We were very honored to have the Ambassador of P. R. China to the Kingdom of Belgium, H. E. Mr. Cao Zhongming, who delivered a keynote speech on the current and future Belgian-Chinese trade cooperation. After his interesting speech, ICBC’s principal economist shared his views on the future of China’s economy, based on its 14th Five Year Plan. To offer information to Chinese companies who are interested in the Belgian market, two prominent speakers from Flanders Investment & Trade and BNP Paribas Fortis, Mr. Xavier Vanrolleghem and Mr. Koen De Leus, shared more information on the Flemish and Belgian business climate. They showed how Flanders continues to be an important gateway in Europe and why Belgium remains an interesting market with many business opportunities.

Interested in reading more? Click on the links below for some media reports:

Chinese embassy:
People’s Daily:
China News: 
Guangming Daily: 

For some pictures of the webinar, please have a look in the gallery below.