Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Seminar: ‘Seize an Opportunity in China – Updates on New Foreign Investment Law’


New Foreign Investment Law has been just published in China on 15th of March, which will replace three existing laws on foreign investment. This new law is a positive sign for foreign business and will make a new phase for a more open China.

The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) and Brussels Chamber of Commerce (BECI) invite you to join the seminar ‘Seize an Opportunity in China – Updates on New Foreign Investment Law‘ on May 23, 2019 in Brussels, as our invited China legal expert Mrs. Moey Li will tell you how to expand your business in China. She will update you on the latest laws and regulations affecting foreign companies active in China.

14.00 – 14.30: Registration
14.30 – 14.35: Welcome words by Mr. Jean-Philippe Merge, Director Internationalisation – BECI, and Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman – BCECC
14.35 – 15.35: Presentation by Mrs. Moey Li, Representative of Dewit Law Office Beijing
15.35 – 15.50: Case study “IP issues encountered in China & possible solutions”, by Mr. Bei TANG, Trademark & Design Attorney – Gevers
15.50 – 16.10: Q&A
16.10 – 17.00: Networking reception

Avenue Louise – Louizalaan 500
1050 Brussels

This seminar is free of charge for BCECC members, and 50€ (VAT excl.)/person for non-members.

Please fill in the online form here below before May 17, 2019.

About the speaker:
Moey Li joined Dewit Law Office in 2011. She is the representative of DLO Beijing office. Mrs. Li is specialized in the fields of Overseas Investment and M&A; Corporate Management and Legal Compliance; Dispute Resolution on International Trade; IPR Protection and Labor Dispute