Post-COVID 19 Travel Industry in Europe and China


World travel has slowed dramatically since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The tourism and hospitality industry all over the world have been heavily impacted. From a UNWTO perspective, best case scenario, we are looking at a 58% downturn this year and worst case 78% in international travel.

How do we see the travel industry opening up again? With 90 million people travelling domestically during Labor Days, China has been the first country to see the opportunity to ease up. Domestic travel in China is expected to grow 60% this year, compared to 47% last year.

What does China’s tourism industry look like now? What can we learn from the global travel halt? Which trends will be shaping the future of travelling? To answer these questions, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) would like to invite you to our webinar on “Post-COVID 19 Travel Industry in Europe and China” on December 3, 2020 at 10.30 CET (17.30 CST).


10:30–10:40: Welcoming words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the BCECC 
10:40–11:10: “Current situation of travel industry and how Europe can support the sector” by Mr. Eduardo Santander, Executive Director of the European Travel Commission 
11:10–11:30: “The evolution of Chinese tourist behavior Post COVID-19” by Ms. Ludivine Destrée, Chief Representative Greater China region of Wallonie Belgique Tourisme
11:30–11:50: Q&A and closing remarks


Members: Free of charge
Non-members: €30 (VAT Excl.)


The webinar will be held on Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants upon registration).

Please fill in the form below to confirm your presence before November 30, 2020.