The ICT Spring Matchmaking event is back on track again with an in-person edition, designed to be the place where Digital, Tech and Science converge, gathering movers and shakers from many different industries at a local, regional and global scale!
Its 7th edition will be organised on June 30 & July 1, 2022 by the Enterprise Europe Network of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, in close collaboration with Farvest and supported by the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC).
The ICT Spring International Matchmaking Event is being organized to help SMEs in the ICT community explore sustainable partnerships, offering the following services:
- 2 days of qualified business meetings with an opportunity to build strong relationships and partnerships in the ICT sector;
- Participation in an onsite visit to Luxembourg’s High performing computer MeluXina (TBC);
- Opportunity to participate to the ICT Spring conferences;
- A free entrance ticket to ICT Spring;
- Access to the afterparty of ICT Spring.
09:00-11:00: Welcome to ICT Spring
11:00-11:30: Keynote speeches
11:30-13:00: Free visit to the ICT Spring and conferences
13:00-18:00: International Business Meetings by b2fair
For a more detailed program on 30 June and 1 July, please click here.
LuxExpo The Box
10 Circuit de La Foire Internationale
1347 Luxembourg
€75/participant until May 20, with the code B2FAIR4
€100/participant after May 20
Please indicate BCECC in the field of Your Local Partner Organisation