Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Beijing to further open up service sector


China announced that it will be ushering in a high-level opening up of the service industry. This comprehensive deepening of the reform and opening up will bring abundant business opportunities to Belgian enterprises in the sector. These are some of the most important takeaways of the announcement:

Digital Frontier: Beijing plans to build a national Internet exchange center to provide foreign technology companies with unprecedented digital cooperation opportunities and lay a solid foundation for joint innovation between both parties.

New medical world: Beijing supports foreign doctors to set up clinics and jointly create a new chapter in international research and development in the medical field.

Booming financial development: Beijing encourages entrepreneurial investment in the financial industry and carries out market-oriented cooperation with various financial institutions. The establishment of a trust property registration mechanism provides more protection for investment.

Film and television: Excellent foreign film and television works will be supported in Beijing and become the highlights of the online audio-visual platform, providing excellent display opportunities for Belgian cultural and creative industries.

International Stage: Beijing plans to introduce more high-quality international exhibitions to provide opportunities for foreign companies to showcase their innovations and achievements on an international platform and build an exhibition brand with global influence.

Green Future: Beijing is committed to promoting the development of green, low-carbon and circular economy, pursuing sustainable development, and jointly exploring golden opportunities for cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

Trade and investment advantages: China will optimize the trade and investment system by reducing trade costs and barriers, improving cross-border trade supervision services, facilitating cross-border capital flows, and providing solid support for foreign companies to “go global”.

To consult the full press release, please click here: