Online workshop: Controlling your China business from the other side of the world?


The COVID-19 crisis has brought a sudden halt to global travelling, hereby challenging many European companies conducting business in China. From one day to the next, business people were not allowed to travel anymore. On a positive note, many activities were pushed online into the virtual world, but that did not solve all needs. Many new challenges popped up when control was suddenly reduced to long-distance cooperation for European companies that had just acquired a Chinese company or vice versa, projects that needed deep negotiation, or even for long-term existing business exchanges.

Everyone involved in long-distance cooperation was already well aware of the challenges, but this situation highlighted the weaknesses even more. Even after the COVID-19 crisis, long-distance cooperation will remain a challenge.

In order to help companies with these challenges, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) will be organizing an online workshop together with ChinaConduct on “Controlling your China business from the other side of the world?” on 23 April 2021 from 09:00 CET until 16:30 CET. It will address the challenges of long-distance cooperation with China, provide practical advice on optimizing your long-distance business cooperation and discuss concrete cases.


09:00-09:10: Welcoming words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

  • Main systemic differences between Europe and China and the consequences for working long-distance
  • Moving your EU-China business into the virtual world, and consequences
  • Building loyal local interfaces in China
  • Knowing who is who and who to address to reach concrete agreements
  • Communicating effectively long-distance

12:00-13:30: Lunch break

  • Cases (provided by ChinaConduct)
  • Cases from participants, discussion and advice
  • Tools and action points

The webinar will be held on Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants upon registration).

Non-members: €490 per person (VAT excl.)
BCECC members: 10% discount: €441 per person (VAT excl.)

Cancellation policy: Cancellations received after the registration deadline and no-shows will be charged in full.

Please register via the online form below before 20 April, 2021!