Workshop for engineers: optimizing cooperation and efficiency

Engineers in Belgium working with engineers in China often have a different understanding of what exactly needs to be done and how. A lot of frustration on both sides can be avoided and efficiency improved.

The BCECC and China Conduct therefor invite you to a one-day workshop on October 17, 2017 in Brussels to learn how to overcome the gap and improve this cooperation. There, you will have an insight in cross-cultural complexity, you will learn to improve and optimize long distance and direct communication with your colleagues. Moreover, this workshop will give you tools of how to practically improve and optimize cooperation.

Program of the day

Being an engineer in Europe/China
Problem assessment/ Problem solving
Common procedures
Communicating long distance
Taking ownership
Towards common corporate culture

Customer relations in China
Sorts of companies in China
Problem solving at customer sites
Preparing and long-term resolution

MCE, Management Centre Europe
Rue de l’Aqueduc 118
1050 Brussels

For registration, please fill in the form hereunder before October 12, 2017.
Participation fee is 490€ p.p. (VAT excl.) for non-members. BCECC members benefit from 10% off the registration fee.

For more information, please visit the following link: