Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Webinar: Post-COVID realities in the Chinese consumer market


The pandemic affects everyone everywhere. Just how COVID-19 is shifting consumer behavior is at the core of a global study. What are the changes we observe and what can we learn around spending patterns, priorities and values to predict future behavior? Which opportunities do the digital revolution and new consumer trends in China create for your business?

The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to an informative webinar on “Post COVID-19 realities in the Chinese consumer market” on October 21, 2020 at 10.00 CET (16.00 CST) which will take a closer look at the consumer, e-commerce dynamics and how the digital revolution is shifting from consumer to industry.


10.00 – 10.10: Welcome words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the BCECC
10.10 – 10.30: “Consumer Trends across the Globe. Who are you?” by Ms. Nicole Huyghe, founder and CEO of boobook
10.30 – 10.50: “The Power of e-Commerce during the Pandemic: Retail 2030” by Mr. Jan Van Loon, founder and CEO of White Caviar
10.50 – 11.10: “How the Digital Revolution in China is Shifting from Consumers to Industry (4.0)” by Mr. Karel Eloot, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company
11.10 – 11.25: Q&A session
11.25 – 11.35: Closing remarks

Speakers’ bio:

Ms. Nicole Huyghe, founder and CEO of boobook, specializes in turning customer data into strategic insights for businesses. With a degree in Engineering and Applied Statistics, she analyzes data on customer behavior to help companies target the right customers and building customer value by developing better product and pricing.  She has 25+ years of experience in consultancy and data analysis, and is a regular guest speaker for the European Commission and various universities.

Mr. Jan Van Loon is founder and CEO at White Caviar and has been living in China since 2004. His company offers market research-based brand strategy and helps Western businesses succeed in China. He brings almost 30 years of consulting experience to the table and is able to offer first-hand insights to bridge cultural differences between Asia and Europe.

Karel Eloot - Senior Partner - McKinsey & Company | LinkedIn

Mr. Karel Eloot is a Senior Partner at the McKinsey & Company in Shenzhen. He co-leads their Asia Operations Practice and Greater China Transformation group and focuses on digitally transforming companies. He co-founded the Digital Capability Center together with Tsinghua University in Beijing in order to provide hands-on capability building on tech-enablement. As a leader of the McKinsey Industrial IoT Hub, Karel helps bring together the firm’s expertise and technology for end-to-end digital and analytics transformations of industrial companies.


BCECC Members: Free of charge
Non-members: €40 (VAT excl.)

Please fill in the form below to confirm your presence before October 16, 2020.