View on our webinar “Cross-border logistics in Beijing”


We are pleased to announce that our joint webinar “Cross-border logistics in Beijing“, organized by the BCECC together with the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce and the Beijing Two Zones Office, was very successful. The event was set up to inform foreign logistics companies of the many business opportunities in the sector in Beijing. Officials from the Municipal Government in Beijing, as well as stakeholders from Belgium and China, such as DHL Global Forwarding, the port of Zeebrugge, Liege Airport, JD Worldwide and Shunyi Free Trade Zone joined the discussion.

Please find a recap of the agenda below:

10:00-10:05: Introduction on the day’s theme and participants (English)

10.05-10:25: Keynote speech by the Director of Beijing Municipal Commercial Bureau on the Marketing and cooperation opportunities of 2 Zones in Beijing

10.25-10:55: Workshop:

(1) Presentation on the Port of Zeebrugge

(2) Brief Introduction of Shunyi Comprehensive Free Trade Zone

(3) Presentation on DHL

(4) Tongzhou Logistics Industry Park

(5) Presentation on Liege Airport

10:55-11:00: Closing remarks

For some pictures of the event, please have a look in the gallery below.