The BCECC’s Chinese New Year’s Reception


In light of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) is pleased to invite you to its annual cocktail reception on February 8, 2024 at the Africa Palace in Tervuren.

H.E. Mr. Cao Zhongming, Ambassador of P.R. China to Belgium and Ms. Cathy Berx, Governor of the Province of Antwerp, will be present at this event and will provide a speech. Belgian Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Alexander De Croo, back from his official visit to China, will give a video speech. 

To consult our official invitation and parking information, please click here.

18:30-19:00: Registration
19:00-19:30: Speeches by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the BCECC, H.E. Mr. Cao Zhongming, Ambassador of P.R. China to Belgium, H.E. Mr. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of Belgium (video speech) and Ms. Cathy Berx, Governor of the Province of Antwerp
19:30-21:00: Cocktail Reception

BCECC members, Belgian and Chinese officials: free of charge
Non-members: 85€/person (VAT Excl.)

Thanks to our sponsors:

For a summary and some pictures of our event, please click here.