The BCECC and Fipra host lively panel discussion with high-level speakers on EU-China relations


The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) and Fipra organized a panel discussion on the prospects of EU-China cooperation against climate change on 9 October 2023 in Brussels. The event kicked off with a keynote speech by Caroline Edery, Head of Unit Bilateral Relations of the European Commission’s DG Clima. Ms. Edery made clear that the EU remains committed to a dialogue with China. Governments on both sides walk a fine line between keeping climate tech affordable via open global competition, and simultaneously enabling local growth & technology development that are seen as strategic for economic security.

The keynote address was followed by a panel discussion with some high-level experts from KU Leuven, Solvay and BusinessEurope, providing different angels to the topic at hand. After a fruitful discussion, participants were able to enjoy some networking drinks.

For some pictures of our event, please have a look below.