While China’s economy is undergoing a transformation into an economy based on qualitative growth generating products and services with a high added value, Chinese companies are taking the lead in innovating and protecting their innovation. In recent years, China has delivered significant efforts to streamline its IPR legislation with international norms and standards. And still, many European companies consider the protection of their IP as one of the main concerns when doing business in China. As the new technologies underpinning the digital revolution are shaping China’s future economy, the importance of developing and implementing an IP-strategy as a cornerstone of your export strategy is one of the keys to success. Helping companies how to achieve this IP-strategy, is the goal of this seminar.
On the occasion of the “contact days” with the Economic & Commercial Attaché in Shanghai, hub.brussels, in collaboration with the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the China IPR SME Helpdesk invite you to a seminar on the intellectual property in China on Tuesday 29 January 2019.
14:45 : Registration
15:00 : Welcoming words
- H.E. Mr. Marc Vinck, Ambassador of Belgium to China
- Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
15:15 : Introduction – Jim Stoopman, Project manager for the China IPR SME Helpdesk and based in Brussels
15:20 : Brand Building in China – Opportunities in the Digital Age – Mattias Debroyer, Economic & Commercial Attaché Brussels Invest & Export by hub.brussels in Shanghai, China
15:40 : Coffee break
15:50 : Intellectual Property Rights in China : How to protect your competitive advantage on the Chinese market- Valentin de le Court, Partner at Daldewolf
16:35 : Q&A moderated by Olivier Costa, Economic & Commercial Attaché Brussels Invest & Export by hub.brussels to the European Institutions
16:45-17:30 : Networking
Venue :
hub.brussels, Brussels Invest & Export
112 Chaussée de Charleroi
1060 Brussels
Date & Registration :
Tuesday January 29, 2019 Participation is free of charge, however, registration is mandatory. To register, please fill in the form below before January 25, 2019.
This event is organized by :