Recap of the BCECC’s participation to FIT Exportbeurs 2021 from February 9 to 11


From 9 to 11 February 2021, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) organized their Exportbeurs again, during which Flemish companies are encouraged to internationalize their business and discover many new exporting opportunities. This year, a virtual fair was organized due to COVID-19 regulations, which included virtual booths of over 50 service providers, 50 digital and interactive workshops and seminars on a broad range of topics, networking opportunities in a virtual networking zone, and 100 foreign representatives from FIT. The Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) was happy to participate in the FIT Exportbeurs again this year with a personalized booth. During these fruitful 3 days, the BCECC was able to connect with many companies who are interested in the Chinese market during one-on-one meetings with our Chairman and in the networking café. These meetings gave many Flemish companies the opportunity to ask their specific questions and receive personal advice as well as valuable guidelines on what (not) to do when entering the Chinese market.

We organized our webinar “Post COVID-19: How to reconnect with China” at the Exportbeurs on 9 February 2021 at 14:00 CET. This webinar discussed new developments in the relationship of China with the world during 2020, and provided some practical tips on how to engage with China in 2021 and onwards. Which factors can be seen as an opportunity for European companies, and which ones could potentially pose a risk? Our Chairman, Mr. Bernard Dewit, and Ms. Jeanne Boden, Business Director of ChinaConduct, discussed some important developments in China which may influence Flemish companies in the coming years, after which participants could ask them questions during a Q&A session.