How FIT, AWEX and HUB Brussels can help your company in times of Coronavirus


If you work for or own a company in Belgium, you will undoubtedly have consulted one of Belgium’s 3 trade agencies for information. Nowadays many Belgian companies find themselves in economic difficulties or are very unclear about their future because of the Coronavirus. Therefore, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), Agence wallonne à l’Exportation et aux Investissements étrangers (AWEX) and HUB Brussels have become more important than ever before, to provide your company with accurate and useful information. Below please find their contact details and useful websites that could answer your questions regarding the Coronavirus.

Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT)
Please consult for updates on the worldwide influence of the Coronavirus on your export activities and plans.

For any specific questions, please contact

The offices are temporarily closed, but FIT is always ready to answer your questions about doing international business via mail and telephone.

Agence wallone à l’Exportation et aux Investissements étrangers (AWEX)
For information regarding the impact of the Coronavirus on the Walloon economy and potential help for your company, please consult 1890, either via the website or by dialing 1890.

AWEX remains accesible via mail or telephone ( All the departments are working from home to ensure they can continue to assist you. For a list of all the specific departments per region, please click here.

All meetings in AWEX offices are cancelled but can be organized via teleconference (Zoom, Skype, etc.). For questions regarding meetings, please contact your reference person at AWEX or call 02 421 82 11.

HUB Brussels
All information on aid granted to companies based in Brussels related to the Coronavirus can be found on the website and is updated daily by HUB Brussels. For the moment, the website is only available in French and Dutch. For tailor-made information you can call 1819 (also available in English).

Image: David L. Ryan—Boston Globe/Getty Images