Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

How can the EU and China work together to address the climate challenge?


Despite some of the challenges in the EU-China relationship , the EU and China have a shared interest in working together to combat climate change. Boosting green innovation and implementing a win-win approach could result in immense opportunities for European and Chinese companies operating in both markets!

That is why the BCECC together with European public affairs consultancy FIPRA invite you to their event “How can the EU and China work together to address the climate challenge?” on Monday October 9, 2023 at 16:00 CET (registration starts at 15:30).

During the meeting, we want to explore potential cooperation opportunities and how to address potential obstacles, especially looking forward on what to expect from the next UN Climate conference COP28 in Doha. The topic will be introduced by Ms. Edery, Head of Unit Bilateral Relations at DG CLIMA in the European Commission in a keynote address to be followed by a panel discussion with some high-level experts.

15:30-16:00: Registration
16:00-16:05: Welcoming words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
16:05-16:20: Keynote speech by Ms. Caroline Edery, Head of Unit D2 Bilateral Relations, DG CLIMA of the European Commission
16:20-17:20: Panel discussion and Q&A session moderated by Mr. Erik Jonnaert, Chairman of Fipra with panelists:

  • Ms. Caroline Edery, Head of Unit D2 Bilateral Relations, DG CLIMA of the European Commission
  • Ms. Dorien Emmers, Assistant Professor of KU Leuven
  • Mr. Marcel Halma, Vice President Group Government & Public Affairs of Solvay
  • Ms. Elena Suárez Sánchez, Senior Advisor of BusinessEurope

17:20-17:30: Closing remarks by Mr. Erik Jonnaert, Chairman of Fipra
17:30-19:00: Networking drinks

Charleroisesteenweg/Chaussée de Charleroi 110
B-1060 Sint-Gillis

Registrations are now closed, as our event is fully booked.