Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

We would like to inform you about a potential trade mission that Bank of China (Europe) S.A. Brussels Branch will be organizing to the thriving Hainan Free Trade Port in the second half of the year. 

Why is Hainan Free Trade Port’s business environment so attractive for foreign companies? During the trade mission, you’ll discover the tax incentives and supportive policies of the region, the development potential of its booming industrial parks and some cultural highlights, while benefiting from tailored business matchmaking. 

Discover the major policy incentives and investment opportunities of FTP with testimonials from Belgian companies present in FTP and learn more about the trade mission during “Discover Hainan Free Trade Port’s market potential & investment opportunities” on June 27, 2024 at 10:00 CET.

10:00-10:30: Registration
10:30-10:40: Opening remarks by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the BCECC
10:40-10:50: Speech by Bank of China (speaker TBC)
10:50-11:20: Presentation by the Hainan Economic Development Bureau on Hainan Free Trade Port (video speech)
11:20-11:30: Presentation by Mr. Rudi van der Veken, Sales Director Asia of PB Leiner
11:30-11:40: Presentation by  Mr. Michel Looyens, Managing Director of Agio
11:40-12:00: Q&A session and closing remarks
12:00-14:00: Networking lunch

Bank of China (Europe) S.A. Brussels Branch
Regentlaan 35 Boulevard du Régent
B-1000 Brussel

Free of charge, but registration is mandatory

Interested in attending our event? Fill in the registration form below before 24 June. Please note that if you are unable to attend our event after all, please let us know before the registration deadline of 24 June, as any no-shows will be charged at €50/person (VAT Excl.).

20240627 Discover Hainan Free Trade Port’s market potential & investment opportunities