Debt sustainability in the world: A global perspective


China’s real estate sector has been struggling, and the country’s reliance on debt in recent years presents a burden to its economic recovery. 

Could China’s rising debt counteract economic recovery, and potentially trigger crises in the years to come? How do we evaluate China’s debt sustainability in comparison to other major economies? What is the sustainable economic growth trajectory for countries with heavy debt burdens?

The BCECC has invited Mr. Ludger Schuknecht of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to delve into global debt issues during its webinar “Debt sustainability in the world: A global perspective” on December 19, 2023 at 10:00 CET (17:00 CST). Discover the impact of public debt on the world economy at large and European business, and learn how the multilateral development bank the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank fosters sustainable economic development.

10:00-10:10: Opening words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
10:10-10:50: Presentation by Mr. Ludger Schuknecht, Vice President and Corporate Secretary of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
10:50-11:05: Q&A session
11:05-11:15: Closing remarks by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants one day before the event)

BCECC Members: Free of charge
Non-Members: €30/person (VAT Excl.)