Conference and Panel Discussion on “China & the WTO White Paper Report”


Following the publication of the “China & the WTO White Paper” report, the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC) and the Embassy of China in Belgium are pleased to invite you to a conference and panel debate on the opportunities that the further opening up of the Chinese market can offer to foreign companies. The conference will be held on September 28, 2018 at Tangla Hotel in Brussels in presence of the new Ambassador H.E. Mr. Cao Zhongming.

The opportunities of the Chinese efforts to further open up its economy will be discussed by Chinese and Belgian officials, as well as debated in 2 panel rounds by Belgian companies giving a testimony on the evolution of their activities in China.

9:30-10:00 Registration

Part I
Moderator: Mr. Guo Jianjun, Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of P.R. China in Belgium
10:00-10:05 Opening remarks and video
10:05-10:15 Introduction by H.E. Mr. Cao Zhongming, Designated Ambassador of P.R. China in Belgium
10:15-10:25 Speech by Mr. Jean-Marc Delporte, Président du Comité de Direction SPF Economie, PME, Classes moyennes et Energie
10:25-10:35 White Paper presentation by Mr. Guo Jianjun, Economic and Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of P.R. China in Belgium
10:35-10:45 Speech by Mr. Michel Leesch, Director, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Luxembourg
10:45-11:00 Coffee break

Part II

11:00-11:40 Panel Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
Moderator: Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman, BCECC
•    Mr. Vincent De Saedeleer, Hon. Vice President, Port of Zeebrugge
•    Mr. Didier Malherbe, Vice President & Head of Public Affairs, UCB
•   Mr. Joris Coenen, Marketing Officer, Vlam vzw – Belgian Meat Office
•    Mr. Pascal Fontaine, Licence and Marketing Manager – VP, CMI Energy

11:40-12:20 Panel FCCC
Moderator: Ms. Gwenn Sonck, Exectuvie Director FCCC
•    Mr. Curd Vandekerckhove, Vice-President Operations, Bekaert
•    Mr. Filip Pintelon, Senior Vice-President & General Manager – Healthcare, Barco
•    Mr. Lieven Danneels, Owner & CEO, Televic
•    Prof. Dr. Ir. Luc Taerwe, Director China-Platform, Ghent University

12:20 Walking lunch

Tangla Hotel
Avenue E. Mounier 5
1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

Please find here under pictures of the event ©Mirza Imran Baig
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