China’s economic forecast for 2024


2023 has been a rollercoaster of a year for China. China’s economy bounced back in Q1 of 2023 after the re-opening of its borders, but growth momentum is fragile and remains dependent on policy support. 

How are European companies experiencing the economic slowdown, policymaking and business life in China? The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China published its European Business in China Position Paper to outline how China’s post-COVID-19 recovery has faltered and how many companies are questioning what kind of relationship China wants to have with them.

The BCECC will take stock of the Chinese economy in 2023 and discuss where it is headed in 2024 in our webinar “China’s economic forecast for 2024” on January 31, 2024 at 09:30 CET (16:30 CST). Learn more about China’s economic outlook in 2024 and the business perspective from speakers of KU Leuven and the EUCCC.

09:30-09:40: Opening words by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
09:40-10:10: Presentation by Ms. Dorien Emmers, Assistant Professor at the Chinese Studies Group and the Department of Economics of KU Leuven, Affiliated Research Scholar of the Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions (SCCEI)
10:10-10:25: Presentation by Mr. Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
10:25-10:40: Presentation by Mr. Davide Cucino, European Chamber Overseas Representative in Brussels and European Chamber President Emeritus
10:40-10:55: Q&A session
10:55-11:00: Closing remarks by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants one day before the event)

BCECC Members: Free of charge
Non-Members: €30/person (VAT Excl.)