A fresh look at European FDI in China


After decades in which China’s rapid economic growth made the country a prime destination for foreign direct investment (FDI), market conditions have become far more challenging due to restrictive COVID-19 policies, slowing economic growth and rising geopolitical tensions. Against this increasingly uncertain backdrop, Rhodium Group, an independent research provider which combines economic data and policy insights to analyze global trends, published a report recently analyzing European FDI in China.

What are some of the core trends for European FDI in China over the past years? Which companies, countries and sectors are driving European investments in the country, and where has FDI slowed?

Speakers from Rhodium Group will shed some light on the evolution of FDI and the outlook for future European investments in China during the BCECC’s webinar “A fresh look at European FDI in China” on December 15, 2022 at 11:00 CET (18:00 CST).

11:00-11:10: Opening remarks by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)
11:10-11:50: Presentation by Ms. Agatha Kratz, Director, and Mr. Noah Barkin, Managing Editor of Rhodium Group
11:50-12:05: Q&A session
12:05-12:15: Closing remarks by Mr. Bernard Dewit, Chairman of the Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (BCECC)

Zoom (link will be sent out to the participants one day before the event)

BCECC Members: Free of charge
Non-Members: €30/person (VAT Excl.)